Sunday, August 23, 2009

What's Left

This gutted baseball at the dog park was an interesting object. The once tightly woven string spilling out now looks all wrong and even a bit unsettling. But I bet some dog had a blast tearing into it. I also found this really pretty feather. It must have come from a beautiful bird.

"For some Native American Indian tribes, it was possible to tell someone's deeds and their ranking, by looking at their feathers...The type of feather, the color of feather, the modifications to the feather, how many feathers were displayed, or even a look at the way a feather was worn." If I wear it to work tomorrow, taped to my forehead, will I have a higher rank? I could use a leg up.


  1. Welcome to Blogland, Chris! So great to see your wonderful photos and hear your stories. I’ll put a link to yours on my blog, too. Put that feather in your cap and great success will come your way. (Sounds like a fortune cookie, doesn’t it?)

  2. I think you should try it. Amelia has been collecting feathers all summer. She wears them and puts them on her ponies to play "Indian."
