I had no idea Lincoln was such a victim of his own moral contradictions and by today's standards would be considered a racist. Or that's what the movie leads you to believe. Or maybe that's just what Gates wants you to believe. I don't know. I really don't remember learning anything about Lincoln in school. It seems like I would have at some point but I don't recall.
The film is shot in a "60 Minutes" format with many Lincoln experts being interviewed. I found it annoying how many cut away to Gates there was and at one point, I swear he was using his walking cane in the other side. Did I really need to see Gates reading Lincoln's manuscript, Gates walking around a museum, Gates at Gettsyburg? It seems over the top in cockiness.
Overall the film was thought provoking and introduced new ideas to me about Lincoln. Perhaps he was human after all?
Savor the details.
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